If you’re a new owner of a Goldendoodle, prepare yourself for a lot of stress. Your puppy’s hair may be incredibly gorgeous, low-shed, and vivid, and you may be secretly pleased with yourself until one day, when everything changes. Dog owners may experience anxiety with the goldendoodle puppy coat transition to an adult coat. And it’s normal; you don’t have to fret.

The goldendoodle puppy coat transition will go through a “puppy coat” stage before fully developing. Puppies often grow out of their “puppy cut,” a period in which their hair is usually shorter, softer, and less curly than it will be later on. Depending on environmental and genetic conditions, growing into an adult coat can take several months to an entire year.

More so, there is a myriad of information regarding Goldendoodles losing their puppy fur, but you need to be critical in following this information. However, keep in mind that the coat transition of your goldendoodle requires constant attention. This article will therefore serve as a step-by-step guide to help you learn about the coat transitions that your goldendoodle will experience and how to care for them properly.

What Is Goldendoodle Puppy Coat Transition?

Puppies of the Goldendoodle breed have a gorgeous coats! Your puppy’s coat is smooth, velvety, and puffy, making these gorgeous and lovable little bundles fun!

During the first few months of its life, your puppy’s coat is exceptionally easy to maintain. Because mats can be avoided by keeping a young puppy’s coat short, daily brushing is unnecessary. Goldendoodles will lose their puppy coat as they get bigger rather than getting a new one. Because of this, many owners of Goldendoodle puppies may see that their pets’ coats have suddenly begun to mat and that clumps of fur appear in unusual places. Your puppy has already started the change when you see this.

Because most Goldendoodles don’t shed very much, this fact can cause some people to feel unsafe. You may relax knowing your puppy is healthy; they’re just growing up!

When Does The Goldendoodle Lose Its Puppy Coat?

When Does The Goldendoodle Lose Its Puppy Coat?

This can vary rather considerably. Most experts agree that the Goldendoodle’s coat will change between 4 and 8 months of age. The beginning of others occurs before or later. The vast majority of breeders expect it to appear before the first birthday.

Does The Coat Of A Goldendoodle Puppy Go Through Stages?

When you bring home a Goldendoodle puppy, it’s natural to hope its fluffy, silky coat will remain that way as they age.

In contrast, its coat will gradually transform when a Goldendoodle matures. It’s like when people lose their baby teeth and replace them with permanent adult ones. The Goldendoodle in your life will only go through this change once.

Does The Coat Of A Goldendoodle Puppy Change?

If you’ve taken home a lovely Goldendoodle puppy losing hair on the back with a soft, silky coat, it’s not uncommon to assume that it will always have this texture. However, a Goldendoodle’s coat will vary as they mature into adulthood. This is comparable to losing baby teeth and replacing them with adult teeth. This shift occurs only once in the life of your Goldendoodle.

Depending on heredity and other circumstances, the texture and color of the coat may alter.

Do Goldendoodles Puppy Coats Shed?

And as they become bigger, they’ll change their coat and lose the puppy phase. In addition, for this reason, many owners of Goldendoodle puppies will discover that their dogs’ coats have suddenly begun matting and that clumps of fur appear in unexpected places. Your puppy has already started the change when you see this.

Because most Goldendoodles don’t shed very much, this fact can cause some people to feel unsafe. You may relax knowing your puppy is healthy; they’re just growing up!

Moreover, the easiest approach to determine whether your Goldie will have furnishings is to consider their age. They are most likely lacking from F1 Goldendoodles. F1B dogs are more susceptible to having them. If a puppy lacks furnishings, it is doubtful that they would develop them as adults. With or without, Doodles are still unquestionably adorable.

Do All Goldendoodles Can Get Puppy Coats?

Do All Goldendoodles Can Get Puppy Coats?

Goldendoodle puppies will have varying coat colors and patterns regardless of size or generation.

However, several breeders have found that Doodle puppies of different ages—F1, F1B, and F2—can have only slight differences. Many owners of Goldendoodles don’t even notice their puppies’ coats changing because the adult fur is so soft in this generation.

Goldendoodles that like to swim and get dirty easily may shed their puppy coat completely if they aren’t bathed frequently.

Does the Coat of a Goldendoodle Puppy Go Through Stages?

When you bring home a Goldendoodle puppy, it’s natural to hope their fluffy, silky coat will remain that way as they age. In contrast, its coat will gradually transform when a Goldendoodle matures. It’s like when people lose their baby teeth and replace them with permanent adult ones. The mini goldendoodle puppy coat transition in your life will only go through this change once.

How To Tell What Coat Will Your Goldendoodle Puppy Have?

There is a certainty that your dog’s adult coat, whichever one it ends up being, will be far more rigid and dense than the Goldendoodle coats at 8 weeks. Poodles have a fading gene, so that they might be a different color.

However, breeders do emphasize a few telltale features that could provide an early indication of what to expect:

Do A Nose Check

When a puppy has abundant hair on top of its snout, it is called a mustache, and it is a good indicator that the dog will have a curlier coat. A wavier coat is suggested by hair that is straighter, shaggier, and more beard-like. If your dog’s muzzle hair is short and the rally presents a neat appearance, the dog will likely inherit a straight coat.

  • Curly coats, according to breeders, are indicated by a pronounced mustache.
  • The beard-like shagginess of a wavy coat is especially prominent around the face.
  • The straight-coat goldendoodle puppy typically has a tidy and short muzzle.

Consider The Current Generation

Consider The Current Generation

Additionally, the dog’s generation can indicate what to anticipate. For example, an F1B Goldendoodle that has been backcrossed with a Poodle has 75 percent genes, increasing the likelihood of a coat with waves or curls. Typically, these dogs do not have a substantial coat shift from puppyhood to adulthood.

Observe Nature And Genetics Will Be Final

In the end, genetics and nature will determine outcomes. These strategies for deciding on a goldendoodle puppy coat type are the most accurate. Nothing is guaranteed, and surprises are always possible.

Types Of Goldendoodle Puppy Coats?

It is difficult to envisage Goldendoodle coats having anything other than curly whenever the issue of this Doodle breed is brought up. Although Goldendoodles with curly coats are well-known, different less frequent coat types include wavy, smooth, and flat. Wavy and curly hair are the most prevalent varieties of Goldendoodle coats, followed by straight and flat. In addition to their attractiveness and sweetness, these charming pets have advantages for humans.

Goldendoodles With Curly Coats.

For various reasons, this specific style of Goldendoodle coat is extremely popular and in high demand. Curly-coated Goldendoodles are great for people with allergies and have a cute teddy bear look. Because of their curly coat, Goldendoodles are considered hypoallergenic. Curly-coated dogs, in contrast to straight-haired dogs, shed significantly less hair, which is helpful for allergy sufferers.

The Goldendoodle has gained a reputation as a “non-shedding” breed across the board for dogs. To clarify, dogs with non-shedding coats still shed at a far lower rate than those with straighter hair.

Curly-Coated Goldendoodles

Compared to dogs with straight and curly coats, wavy coat Goldendoodle puppies fall in the middle. Goldendoodles with wavy coats are more prone to shed than those with curly coats but shed less than those with straight coats.

But since the wavy coat is between the regular and curly coats, it requires less effort to brush than dogs with curly coats. If you live with people who do not suffer from allergies, a wavy or flat hair coating could be an extra option when selecting your partner. While Goldendoodles with a curly coat require daily combing, those with a wavy coat require brushing only a few times per week.

Straight-Coat Golden Retrievers

Straight-Coat Golden Retrievers

If you desired to bring home a Goldendoodle with a straight hair coat, you would likely find hair everywhere. Typically, a goldendoodle with a straight coat does not require brushing; nevertheless, you should double-check if any household members are allergic to fur.

Always certain that no one is allergic, as straight-haired dogs shed huge amounts of hair.

While researching, if you encounter the term “flat coat Goldendoodles,” you should notice that they belong to the same category. While not having to brush your Goldendoodle regularly may seem great, the amount of hair it sheds requires additional cleaning. Daily brushing is strongly advised for Goldendoodles with curly or wavy coats. Most of the time, Goldendoodles with a straight coat do not need to be brushed, depending on the situation.

F1b Goldendoodle Coat Changes

When you look up F1b Goldendoodles pictures on the internet, you will find out recombination between an F1 (first generation) Goldendoodle and a purebred Poodle.

The hypoallergenic, non-shedding coat of the Poodle is a highly desirable characteristic. An F1b Goldendoodle may contain up to 75% Poodle DNA. Most often, F1 Goldendoodles will disappear with a piece of furniture. There is rarely an issue with missing furniture in the second generation (F2) of 75% Poodle F1b Goldendoodles.

This greatly enhances the probability of a Curly or Wavy coat. F1b Goldendoodles are less prone to see a substantial coat change between puppyhood and adulthood. It is typical for the density and coarseness of the fur to grow.

Can Goldendoodles Change Their Fur Color?

You may be worried that your Doodle’s cute brown coat will disappear if you’ve grown attached to it. This is true in some circumstances. Examining your Doodle’s facial features is often possible. Their adult coat may take on a deeper shade if that is how it is in their native habitat. Alternately, it might lighten up and leave the cute darker characteristics around the face.

In other words, the color of your puppy’s coat won’t suddenly turn from white to black or white or brown or vice versa.  However, lateral color changes and shifts are common.

What Are The Differences In The Coats Of Puppies And Adults?

What Are The Differences In The Coats Of Puppies And Adults?

When Goldendoodle puppies reach maturity, their adult coat is typically heavier and more rigid than their puppy fur. The quality of a dog’s coat will vary considerably, and you will know what your puppy’s adult coat will be like once it is completely grown.

When selecting a Goldendoodle puppy, you should inquire with the breeder about the coat qualities of the puppy’s generation. The breeder should know what to anticipate throughout coat transformation.

Are There Other Factors That Can Influence My Goldendoodle’s Coat Changing Color?

Yes, their coat can be affected by various variables, most of which are health-related, and these common causes may include the following:

Sun Bleaching.

It can occur if your dog spends a lot of time outdoors in direct sunlight. Depending on the extent of the sun damage or bleaching, their deeper hues will lighten significantly, and portions of their exposed fur may turn yellow or white.


Your Goldendoodle coat changes pictures might have darker coat color due to lack of grooming, but it can be lightened and brightened with constant grooming. Grooming your dog on a regular and recommended basis improves not only their comfort but also their physical appearance. Goldendoodles need regular grooming to keep them healthy and clean. You should trim their face regularly. You can trim Goldendoodle’s face at home easily.

Problems Due To Poor Diet

It will be obvious that your dog is malnourished by its coat’s dullness, dryness, and color change. Since its natural sheen diminishes with time, it typically seems darker than it did before. A healthier diet will help them shed their darker coat.

What Can I Expect From The Goldendoodle Pup’s Coat Change?

Puppies of all breeds and sizes go through similar but somewhat different main processes. All of the major changes are the following:

  • Make sure the puppy’s coat is nice and silky.
  • Pet owners observe the onset of mats and shedding fur in clumps.
  • There’s a change in their fur.
  • Their mature fur begins to emerge.

Frequently Asked Questions

1.  How Do You Tell What Coat a Goldendoodle Puppy Will Have?

You can examine the puppy’s nose. In most cases, a prominent mustache indicates that the puppy will have a curly coat.

2.  Do Goldendoodles Hair Get Curlier As They Get Older?

Unfortunately, not all puppies mature into adulthood with the desired wavy or curly coat and fluffy, soft fur. In addition, the F1B Goldendoodles are the least likely to undergo a drastic coat change as they age, while seeing an increase in coat coarseness and density.

3.  Will My Goldendoodles Coat Change Color?

While it is doubtful that your puppy will change color, many Golden Retrievers’ adult coats become lighter. This is referred to as fading. However, these dogs prefer to ‘hang on’ to their natural hue around the face and ears, resulting in an adorable and interesting-looking dog.

4.  At What Age Does a Goldendoodles Fur Change?

Parents of Goldendoodles estimate a lifespan of four months to two years.

5.  When Should a Goldendoodle Puppy Get His First Haircut?

It is advised to wait six months before giving your goldendoodle puppy her first complete trim down.


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