Goldendoodle Guardianship Home Program For Our Breeding Dogs
The best Goldendoodle puppies are borne out of breeding dogs that are kept in private home settings. Learn more about our Goldendoodle guardianship program and become a guardian to one of our breeding dogs in this article.
What is a Guardian Home?
A guardian is a family or person who is willing to temporarily adopt a breeding dog. This person or family becomes a “guardian” to our dogs and puppies.
Guardians are needed for our dog breeding program because we already have large numbers of adult mother dogs and stud dogs who can produce offspring. Also, young girl puppies are needed to replace the breeding mother dogs in the future.
Also, it’ll be hard to accommodate all these dogs in our own homes and facilities. Guardians and guardian homes are needed lest they become kennel dogs and gradually lose their natural outgoing personalities.
How Does Our Goldendoodle Guardian Home Concept Work?
The dog will stay at the guardian’s home as their pet. However, breeding rights will strictly be retained by San Diego Goldendoodle for a specified period. After the dog’s breeding period, it will be neutered or spayed, and will then stay with the guardian as its permanent pet for the rest of their lives.
To be a part of our program, you have to sign a Goldendoodle guardian home contract with us. The contract exactly outlines the agreement between the guardian homeowner and San Diego Goldendoodle.
Should you become a guardian of our breeding dogs, expect to be away from your dog at specific times. We’ll have to borrow your guardian dog once or twice a month, a few days at a time. If you have a female dog, here’s an estimate of the length of time we’ll be borrowing her:
- Around 1 week during the time of her first breeding
- 8 weeks when she becomes a mother dog with puppies
Don’t worry while your dog is away! We take excellent care of them and treat them as our own. We understand that it could be hard for you to be separated from your fur babies for a while, but this is a part of our breeding program and rest assured that your dog receives proper health care and attention even while she’s with us.

Becoming a Guardian Home For Goldendoodle
Not everyone is eligible to become a guardian home. As part of our guardian program for Goldendoodles, we have strict high standards for anyone wishing to be a guardian family to our dogs.
We typically take in guardians who are people we know very well. However, you’re much welcome to apply for guardianship and undergo an extensive interview to determine if you’re a good fit to care for our breeding dogs.
Some of the requirements for guardianship include:
- A home address within reasonable driving distance from San Diego, California, or Caldwell, Idaho
- Willingness to drive the guardian dog to our homes for breeding and testing purposes
Regarding the costs, San Diego Goldendoodle will shoulder costs regarding reproduction. This includes bills from the reproductive vets and special supplements. All other costs normally associated with owning and caring for a dog will be shouldered by the guardian owner. This includes:
- Grooming
- Basic vet bills
- Food and shelter
- Toys
Here are some tips to choose toys for your puppy.
If you decided to stop being a part of our breeding program through dog guardianship, you must promptly return the dog to us.
All these stipulations will be written in the guardian home contract that will be signed by us. Want to become an approved guardian homeowner?

Dog Types You May Take in as a Guardian Dog
You may choose from our available dogs and puppies with the following breeds:
- Goldendoodles
- Golden Retrievers
- Poodles (both standard and mini)
- Labradoodles
To conclude, you can become a guardian home to take in any of our breeding dogs. By doing so, you’re helping us breed quality Goldendoodles while enjoying the comfort and fun of having a lovable pet dog and at the same time!
We wish you luck and we’re excited to have you as a future part of our guardianship program! Apply now!

Drop Us A Line
Please fill out the form below if you have any questions or would like more information. We will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your interest.