There are several Goldendoodle coat types, and as a dog owner, it is essential to know your pet’s coat type. It will help you to take care of your furry pet properly. If you want to see all Goldendoodle coat typesyou have landed on the right page. The Goldendoodle is a popular breed among dog owners. The reason is apparent because they are adorable, affectionate, and have low shedding. This breed inherited some excellent qualities from its parents (Golden Retriever and Poodle).

There are different types of Goldendoodle coats and colors. The demand for this breed is increasing rapidly; consequently, breeders are raising the Goldendoodle with different colors you could not even imagine. It is obvious that if you get more choices, it is better. But at the same time, it will pave the way for doubts and dilemmas when choosing the best color and hair type. Hence, we provide details of all Goldendoodle coat type sand colors.

A few things about the breed

The Goldendoodle is one of the most loved dog breeds. This is also called a designer dog. This is a hybrid breed resulting in mixing its parent breeds, Golden Retrievers and poodles. The main reason it is considered one of the popular breeds is its unique traits, such as a hypoallergenic coat, low shedding, varieties of coat colors, and adorable looks. You can find several coat types and numerous coat colors. You can see from long-haired Goldendoodles to short-haired puppies.

The reason behind the different colors of Goldendoodle

Now the question is why there are plenty of colors and types of Goldendoodle coats. The short answer is because of their parent breeds. As per the AKC, the Poodle breed has 7 recognized colors, and the American Kennel Club identified three colors in Golden Retriever. Those three colors are golden, dark, and light. The seven colors of Poodles are blue, apricot, café-au-lait, grey, brown, cream, and silver. So, combining these two produces numerous colors that are probably beyond the imagination of many dog lovers. Even sometimes people also get confused with a Labradoodle assuming it to be a Goldendoodle. They seem to be similar but there are some significant differences between Goldendoodle and Labradoodle.

The reason behind the different colors of Goldendoodle

As per the experts, there are more than 32 colors of coats are there in Goldendoodles. However, we doubt there are more colors beyond this. But they are yet to be officially recorded. Hence, this breed is a popular breed among dog lovers. In this article, we list all recognized Goldendoodles colors. And also, we will discuss how it is unique to other colors.

Goldendoodle coat types and appearance

The primary Goldendoodle coat types of the Goldendoodles are wavy, straight, and curly. But the deciding factor of your Goldendoodle coat type is the gene your pup inherited from its parents. So, if you want to know what coat type your puppy will get, you can do a DNA test. You need a swab of your furry friend’s cheek to do that. It will allow you to discover your puppy’s adult coat type scientifically. So here is the description of types of Goldendoodle coats.

Curly coat

This is also known as KRT71, and curly coats are present in your puppy when its parents pass the curl gene. The curly coats are most common in Goldendoodles. This type of Goldendoodle curly coat can be seen in F3 and F1B breeding. This is the perfect option to raise a pup with minimal shedding.

Wavy coat

Dogs will get wavy Goldendoodle coat types if they receive the non-curl gene from one parent and the curl gene from another. In short, it combines a wavy coat and a straight coat of Goldendoodles.

Straight coat

Many Goldendoodles will get a straight coat if they receive a non-curl gene from their parents. But sometimes, you can find a fluffy texture and furnishings in some body parts. These puppies will generally have long hair.

Improper coat

You need to know that the RSPO2 gene is the deciding factor for the furnishings of Goldendoodle. If you wonder what furnishing means, the answer is facial hair. It includes eyebrows, a beard, and a mustache. This will give your Goldendoodle that shabby look.

Goldendoodle Improper coat

If RSPO2 is missing in your dog’s gene, it will create an improper coat. In this case, you could see more shedding than other Goldendoodles. So, before getting a Goldendoodle, you need to do a DNA test on its parents or puppy. You can find reputable local DNA testing companies to conduct this test. If you or your family have allergies, you should not get an improper Goldendoodle puppy.

Length of Goldendoodle hair

Generally, the FGF5 gene controls the coat length of dogs. Long hair is the result of genetics; hence, the FGF5 gene should be inherited from both parents to get long hair. The puppy will get the same trait if both parents have a long coat. Generally, the skin of a Goldendoodle will be around 2 to 3 inches in length.

The reason behind coat color changes

This phenomenon is common in many dog breeds. And Goldendoodles are not an exception. Dogs of all breeds, gender, and ages can get pigment changes in their coat and skin. Additionally, sunlight, medications, skin disease, and nutrition can cause color changes. Usually, puppies see differences in color once they mature. The only exception in this list is dark brown and black Goldendoodles. However, it is not fixed. They can still change their color to silver, blue, or grey if they carry that gene from their parents.

Hence, the pro tip is you need to buy a slightly darker puppy than your expected color. The reason is all Goldendoodle coat types usually become light colors.

What color is my puppy?

We know how different types of goldendoodle coats of color dull, fade or lighten with age. This process is called clearing. The other term is holding. Holding means if your puppy doesn’t change the original color even after adulthood, we call it holding. Goldendoodles generally retain their baby phase color around the muzzle and ears.

What color is my puppy

The final color of Goldendoodles settles when they reach 4 to 6 months. During this phase, puppies lose their puppy coats. Sometimes, this time frame can extend up to one year.

Different colors of Goldendoodle

We have seen Goldendoodle fur types so far. Now, let us look at the different colors of Goldendoodles, from the most common to rare colors.

Brown Goldendoodle

Brown Goldendoodle is the most popular and common Goldendoodles. This color Goldendoodles are easily noticeable in light areas, and they have a deep brown color. This color, Goldendoodles, is common everywhere. This is one of the common types of Goldendoodle coats in all parts of the world.

Silver Goldendoodle

These Goldendoodles look black when they are puppies. Once they mature, they change to silver color. This color comes from the poodle parent. Many people find more similarities between silver and grey Goldendoodles. However, the silver Goldendoodles coat is lighter than grey.

White Goldendoodle

The long haired Goldendoodle with white color looks adorable. They look like cream Goldendoodles. However, they have lighter coats, and they resemble snow colors. This color comes from the two white color coat parents.

Apricot Goldendoodle

Apricot-colored Goldendoodles are very much in demand these days. The increasing popularity of the apricot Goldendoodle is because of social media influence. We can see many apricot Goldendoodles on social media, so people are interested in this.

Apricot mini Goldendoodle

Apricot mini Goldendoodles are also equally in demand since they look similar to apricot Goldendoodle. The only difference is that, as the name says, these puppies’ size is less than standard Goldendoodles. The mini Goldendoodle hair types can be wavy, straight, and curly based on their parents’ traits.

Apricot and white Goldendoodle

As we have already seen, there are different color combinations in Goldendoodles. You can see a mixture of apricot and white color in this type of Goldendoodles.

Red Goldendoodle

Red Goldendoodles are as popular and wanted as apricot Goldendoodles. The popularity is because of the brightest appearance. The red Goldendoodles are the most brilliant color among all Goldendoodles. Additionally, it gives a fierce and, at the same time, adorable look. The rich shade of dark red is the attraction of these Goldendoodles.

Cream Goldendoodle

Cream Goldendoodle

Many people fail to differentiate between the cream Goldendoodles and white Goldendoodles. They look similar, and hence this confusion happens. The multi-colored puppies are bred from these Goldendoodles.

Reddish Goldendoodle

If you love red Goldendoodles but want a lighter color version, Reddish Goldendoodles are the best option. They look similar to red Goldendoodles but are lighter than fierce red Goldendoodles.

Black Goldendoodle

Black Goldendoodles have similar demand as apricot and red ones. The reason is black Goldendoodles are rare. Black Goldendoodles result from a rare gene inherited from golden retrievers and poodles. If both parents pass this gene to the puppy, you can see a black Goldendoodle. The black mini Goldendoodle offers all the appeal of the standard Goldendoodle, but in a compact and easier-to-handle size.

Black Tuxedo Goldendoodle

If you look at the black tuxedo Goldendoodle, it seems like wearing a black suit. They possess a white chest, nose, and paws, and all other parts carry black. These colored puppies will be born if both parents pass this rare gene. It is one of the distinctive types of Goldendoodle coats.

Black Phantom Goldendoodle

If you know phantom Goldendoodle, you may get confused with black phantom ones. Both carry similar markings, but the difference lies in the markings’ color. In this type of Goldendoodles, you can see tan markings. This is also a rare color; hence, both parents pass this gene to their offspring.

F1b Black Goldendoodle

F1b Goldendoodle coat types are better if you hate heavy shedding. This colored Goldendoodle results from backcrossing, where first generation (F1) Goldendoodle is mated with a poodle. The result is 25% golden retrievers and 75% poodles. This combination gives a unique coat and color to the puppies.

Parti Goldendoodle

Parti Goldendoodles can be seen with two distinctive color coats. Usually, the second coat will be white. Recessive genes only cause the breeding of these lovable dogs. One has to breed one rare genes dog with another rare genes dog. The dominant character during the breeding decides the dominant color of the puppy.

Black and white Goldendoodle

Black and white Goldendoodle

The black & combination Goldendoodles have a prominent coat of black but have white on the chest and head. Many people mistake these Goldendoodles for Tuxedo Goldendoodles. However, they are distinct, and Tuxedo Goldendoodles have very different markings. This color, Goldendoodles, is bred from a parti-poodle and a golden retriever.

Red parti Goldendoodle

The red part Goldendoodle has a secondary coat in red. The combination of red and white makes this type of Goldendoodles more adorable.

Red and white Goldendoodle

The red and white Goldendoodle looks similar to the black & white Goldendoodle. The primary difference between black and white and red and white is, in red and white Goldendoodles, the main coat will be red instead of black.

Sable Goldendoodle

This color, Goldendoodles, is born dark brown or black. As they age, they fade, and their coat turns cream, but the black portion remains on the ears and face.

Merle Goldendoodle

This type of Goldendoodles is bred from Border Coolie or Australian Shepherd with a poodle. Here, the essential factor is that it is a breed without a Golden retriever. This color, Goldendoodle, also comes from two Goldendoodle parents. And people will not call this a Goldendoodle but Aussiedoodles. In this breed, the dominant gene overlaps its solid coat. To become a merle Goldendoodle, one parent must pass a merle gene. Since both are dominant traits, breeding with two merle Goldendoodles can produce puppies with deafness, bling, and other disabilities.

Red Merle Goldendoodle

In this type of Goldendoodles, black hair will be on the head, around the ears, and slightly on the back. It is one of the cute types of Goldendoodle coats.

Chocolate Merle Goldendoodle

Chocolate Merle Goldendoodles are similar to red merles, but the only difference is that you can see chocolate color instead of red.

Phantom Goldendoodle

Phantom Goldendoodle

Phantom Goldendoodles are often mistaken for black and white Goldendoodles. Its markings are similar to a Manchester and Yorkie. The second color of Goldendoodles appears on its eyes, muzzle, and legs. Usually, the colors are tan, but in some dogs, you can see red, silver, white and black. This is one of the rare types of goldendoodle coats, and you can tell it’s a phantom Goldendoodle as soon as it’s born.

Grey Goldendoodle

It is like Merle Goldendoodles. These dogs have an unknown coloration, which will be darker when they are born. Once they mature, the color will turn to a darker silver. This is one of the exciting Goldendoodle coat types because their parents are Golden retrievers and Australian Shepherds (not poodles). However, without the poodle parent, it is considered Goldendoodle.

Tan Goldendoodle

The apricot Goldendoodles and cream Goldendoodles produce the Tan Goldendoodle offspring. The coat comes in various shades and resembles a golden retriever.

Blue Goldendoodle

These dogs will have blue color all over the body except their stomach. It is a mixture of grey and black with a blueish tint. The parents of this are golden retrievers and poodles.

Blonde Goldendoodle

These Goldendoodles are one of the adorable Goldendoodle coat types. They have blonde color everywhere.

Golden Goldendoodle

Golden Goldendoodles are one of the most common types of Goldendoodle coats. The puppies will get the golden color if both parents pass their golden genes. This type of dog’s coat is similar to golden retrievers’ skin.

Brindle Goldendoodle

Brindle Goldendoodles have stripes on their body. The color of the stripes varies from one dog to another. This is one of the rare Goldendoodle coat types.

Caramel Goldendoodle

It is a dominant trait obtained from both parents of Goldendoodles. People generally get confused with golden Goldendoodles. But these dogs will have darker orange shades than golden Goldendoodles.

Yellow Goldendoodle

Yellow color is one of the common Goldendoodle coat types. The yellow color comes from the other breed (Labrador); it can also come from poodles and golden retrievers.

Tri-colored Goldendoodle

Tri-colored Goldendoodle

Goldendoodles get this color coat from their tri-colored poodles and their recessive color traits. This is one of the good-looking Goldendoodle coat types because they look like multi-colored dolls.


Getting the puppy after knowing Goldendoodle coat types is essential. It will help you to groom them well. Also, we already saw how vivid color combinations are available in Goldendoodles. If you or any family member has an allergy, you must take a non-shedding puppy. Apart from this, the selection of the puppy depends on your preference. Additionally, you need to keep a point in mind: the puppies can change their color once they reach adulthood. Hence, asking the breeder before getting your preferred, colored puppy would be best.

FAQs About Different Types of Goldendoodle Coats and Colors

Learn frequently asked questions and answers about Goldendoodle coats and colors.

1. How to Tell Goldendoodle Puppy Coat Type?

The first thing you need to notice is whether your pup has a fluffy coat or not. Checking the skin is an excellent method to check whether your Goldendoodle grows hair or not, if it succeeds, how long it grows, and everything you can decide. If your Goldendoodle has a fluffy coat, it will grow long hair. There are wavy, curly, and straight Goldendoodle coat types; one can tell its kind by looking at the skin.

2. What Coat Type Do F2 Goldendoodles Have?

The F2 Goldendoodles have wavy coats. Since they do not have curly hair, the shedding will be more. It would be best to groom F2 Goldendoodles once a week to avoid fur lying all over your home.

3. Which Goldendoodles Have Wavy Coats?

If a puppy gets non-curl genes from one parent and curls genes from another, it will have wavy coats. Goldendoodle wavy hair is visible in F2 Goldendoodles.

4. What Is the Rarest Color of Goldendoodles?

The rarest colors in Goldendoodles will appear if multiple generations of Goldendoodles are bred together, and their recessive color trait passes on to the puppies. Blue, silver, and grey are the rare colors and rare types of Goldendoodle coats

5. What Is a Fleece Coat on a Goldendoodle?

Fleece Goldendoodles have soft coats. The fleece coat Goldendoodle coat types are non-shedding and hence suitable for people with allergies. They can have wavy, curly, or straight coat types.

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