You just brought home your new Goldendoodle puppy and you’re itching to know more about this adorable ball of fur. One of the most important things that you can do for your puppy as he grows up is to establish a goldendoodle puppy feeding schedule early on in his life.

Not only will this help him develop healthy eating habits from an early age, but it will also let you understand what to expect from your Goldendoodle in terms of daily nutritional needs so that you can properly manage his appetite throughout his life!

You need to find the right balance of nutrients for growth, but also keep an eye on the calorie intake to make your Goldendoodle healthy. That’s why we’ve put together this feeding schedule for the Goldendoodle puppy. We’ll show you everything you need to know about how to feed your Goldendoodle puppy.

How much to feed a goldendoodle?

Puppies have different nutritional needs based on their size and age. The following nutritional breakdown is typical of dog and puppy food packages. To find out the amount of dog food the dog should be eating, read the label that comes on the dog food. This Goldendoodle feeding chart is a great reference, but because every puppy has unique nutritional needs, we recommend double-checking with your vet. The following is a goldendoodle eating chart that may be modified to create mini goldendoodle puppy feeding schedule, aand can also be used as a medium goldendoodle feeding chart, with adjustments made for the different sized puppies. Separate sections and feeding schedules for mini or medium goldendoodle puppies are included.

puppy feeding chart by weight/ age



Age of Puppy Feeding Program (per 24 hours)  


Quantity of meals to be provided daily Traditional Goldendoodle  


Daily feeding guidelines for Mini Goldendoodles
 8 – 12   weeks  3- 4 times About a third of a cup ½ a cup
4 – 5 months  3 times 1 1/2 – 3 cups 2/3 a cup
6 – 12  2 times 3 or 4 cups 1 or ½ cups
More than one year 2 times 4 or 5 cups One and a half to two and a half cups

If you look through the goldendoodle puppy food chart, you will easily be able to determine how much chow your puppy needs on a daily basis, which is the first step in the process of developing a feeding schedule for your new puppy. Divide the total number of calories that your dog will consume in a day into two or three meals. Give him some of these lesser amounts multiple times throughout the course of the day at various intervals. Here is a guide to what you should be feeding your goldendoodle puppy based on its age.

puppy feeding chart by weight/ age

During the first five to twelve weeks of their lives, young goldendoodle puppies need to consume at least three and sometimes even more meals every day in order to meet their nutritional needs. In order to accomplish this, you will need to split the total amount of food into three equal portions, using a goldendoodle puppy feeding schedule that is given with their food product, and then feed it to them at a variety of different times throughout the day.

As your dog gets older, you should gradually reduce the number of meals it receives each day until you get to twice a day. This transition should take between three and twelve months. They need to consume fewer calories during the day because they’ll have less vitality as a result. Dogs who are at least a year old are considered adults and should be fed in the normal manner of two portions per day. You are going to need to cut their nutritional requirements in half.

The hours of seven in the morning, twelve in the middle of the day, and five in the afternoon are often reserved for feeding goldendoodle puppies. If you truly need to make some alterations to your mealtime schedule, it is acceptable for you to opt to give your puppy more than three meals per day. If it is at all possible, the final meal should be scheduled for approximately 5 o’clock in the evening. Before you go to bed, make sure to give the dog ample time to digest the meal and then eliminate it in the bathroom.

Another alternative is to leave enough food out for your dog to consume throughout the day. This practice, known as “unrestricted feeding,” not only promotes overeating in the dogs and, as a result, may result in your dog gaining an unhealthy amount of weight, but it also has the potential to be considered cruel. Controlling the amount of food served to your goldendoodle puppy is vital if you want to make sure it gets the appropriate amount of calories for its age and size.

How to feed goldendoodle puppy

How to feed goldendoodle puppy

Your Goldendoodle puppy will need a healthy, well-balanced diet to reach its full growth potential and maintain its high level of activity throughout the day. Since most Goldendoodles have already developed sensitive stomachs, it’s important to learn what to feed a goldendoodle of this breed before you bring it home and to build a solid feeding schedule for your goldendoodle puppy. If you’re worried about your puppy’s health, it’s possible that a regular brand of commercial dog food is best.

You can feed your Goldendoodle puppy one of two different kinds of food. You may either buy dog food in a bag or cook it up fresh every day. As a precaution against nutritional deficiencies, many pet owners prefer to give their canines commercial dog food. Your Goldendoodle will thrive on a diet rich in protein and fat from strong sources, so keep that in mind as you shop. Packaged foods should include an ingredient list for items that contain two or more types of beef proteins.

Fish and meat.

Either fish or beef feed can count as an acceptable source of protein so long as those two components come first on the ingredient list.

As a consequence of this, the meal contains very few additives or carbs, which suggests that meat is one of the most important components of any dog meal. Protein can typically be found in dog food in the form of peas, beans, and various other types of protein-rich vegetables. Although a goldendoodle puppy feeding schedule that contains a puppy meal with a greater percentage of meat and dairy than plant-based protein is desirable, it is possible for vegetarian owners to fulfill their dog’s dietary requirements with only plant protein.


To ensure that your Goldendoodle’s digestive tract continues to function normally, he will need to consume a high-fiber diet. In addition to beef and chicken, other types of protein and fiber that are beneficial for pups include all grains and green vegetables. If you buy dog food that is predominantly made of grains, your pet won’t get the necessary amount of fiber that it requires. They contribute very little in the way of nutrients and are therefore frequently used as fillers. The amount of food you give your dog is directly related to how active it is, especially when it’s a puppy. Talking to the veterinarian who cares for your dog is the best way to get a more accurate picture of the amount of food that your Goldendoodle ought to be eating.

When should you change the goldendoodle puppy feeding schedule to an adult one?

When should you change the goldendoodle puppy feeding schedule to an adult one?

You are going to have to wean your puppy off of puppy food and transition him over to a mature dog diet instead so that he can get all the nutrients he needs. The size of a breed is an important factor to consider when feeding a puppy, and this stage of development is no exception. Because larger strains require longer maturing, it is possible that they will require some puppy food for up to two years.

On average, dogs should start eating food formulated for adults between the ages of one and two years old. If you are uncertain of how to handle the transition and how you can make it less traumatic for your dog, you should seek the opinion of the veterinarian who treats the dog if you feel unsure of how to handle the situation.

Goldendoodles are also susceptible to a number of health problems resulting from unnatural eating patterns.

Knowing the Goldendoodle’s susceptibility to developing a particular illness will help you make educated decisions about the dog’s nutrition and lifestyle. Illnesses that are commonly seen in Goldendoodles are caused by poor diet, and they include:

The Deformity of the Hip Joint

Both forms of hip dysplasia result from improper growth of the hip joint. Your dog may have trouble climbing stairs or running around if he or she is afflicted with hip dysplasia. In some dogs, this can result in paralysis. Goldendoodles should maintain a healthy weight to prevent hip dysplasia, which is more common and has more severe symptoms in obese dogs. You can do this by developing a goldendoodle puppy feeding schedule that keeps the amount of food the puppy receives in check.

Patellar Dislocation

It is not uncommon for a dog to experience a dislocation or partial dislocation of the patella. Stumbling and pain could result from a dislocated patella. Some of the discomfort associated with patella luxation can be mitigated by keeping your dog at a healthy weight.


1.  How Much to Feed an 8-Week Old Goldendoodle Puppy?

To prevent your puppy from becoming overweight or malnourished, you should give it two-thirds of a cup of puppy meal each day.

2.  How Often Should Goldendoodles be Fed?

It is recommended that you give your puppy food three to four times per day. You may make your puppy’s feeding routine even more reliable by sticking to it yourself.

3.  Should I Leave Water Out for My Puppy at Night?

Along with the food, it’s best to remove the puppy’s water bowl. Therefore, it will be able to sleep soundly all night long.

4.  How Long After a Puppy Eats, Do They Poop?

It normally takes puppies between five and thirty minutes after eating to defecate.

5.  How Many Cups of Dry Food Should I Feed My Puppy?

That depends on the puppy’s age and size. Apply the guidelines on our meal chart to your dog.



There you have it! It may seem like a lot to take in, but your little guy is worth the effort. These guidelines are going to set him up for the healthiest life possible and make the first few weeks go a lot more smoothly for both of you. Remember, any time there is a question, always consult your veterinarian. You’ll find that this goldendoodle puppy feeding schedule guide will be your best friend as you grow into parenthood with your furry companion.

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