Much in other dogs, Goldendoodle health issues are a thing of concern for fur parents adopting this designer breed. They are a cross-breed between a Golden Retriever and Poodle, and as such, can be predisposed to certain medical conditions that have also been observed in these breeds.

If you’re planning to adopt a Goldendoodle or already have one, it is essential to know their potential health problems. We will cover these issues to understand what conditions can hamper their healthy and happy disposition.

Goldendoodle Health Issues

Genetics significantly affects a Goldendoodle’s health. Specific conditions observed in this designer breed are also seen from their lineage—in their Poodle or Golden Retriever side. They have a long lifespan but can still face breed-related diseases and other Goldendoodle health issues.

Hybrids are bred to improve the litter’s health and decrease the susceptibility of the pup to certain diseases. However, it does not eliminate the probability of the Goldendoodle acquiring medical conditions, especially those detected in their parents.

Health issues from Poodle side

Although Goldendoodles have a 50% less chance of inheriting Poodle-related diseases, they can still get such problems from this lineage.

Hip Dysplasia

Characterized by a dislocated hip joint, Hip Dysplasia is a common genetic condition in poodles that weakens and deteriorates the canine’s hip area. It is due to the hip socket forming incorrectly, causing the joint to dislodge and affect walking. They can have difficulty standing and may suffer from a limp over time.

Patellar Luxation

Kneecap dislocation that causes limping and discomfort is referred to as Patellar Luxation. This condition is typical in miniature and toy Poodles and can be inherited by Goldendoodle offspring as well.


The most common neurological issue in Goldendoodles is Epilepsy. Its telling signs and symptoms are recurrent and unprovoked seizures, confusion, and walking in place. They could also have difficulty breathing and loss of consciousness.

Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)

Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)

The eye disease known as PRA or Progressive Retinal Atrophy is hereditary and could lead to blindness. They might possess glassy eyes, dilated pupils, and night vision problems as the disease condition.

Bloat or Gastric Dilation Volvulus

GDV or Gastric Dilation Volvulus is a life-threatening disease that happens when the canine’s abdomen twists and air accumulates inside. It impedes circulation and prevents blood from the abdomen and hind legs from returning to the heart. It is a severe condition that could cause shock and can only be treated by surgery.

Thyroid problems (Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism)

The thyroid hormones regulate metabolism. Such conditions could slow down your dog’s metabolism (hypothyroidism) or cause it to heighten metabolic rate to hazardous levels. These disorders can result in appetite and weight changes, along with other signs and symptoms.

Sebaceous Adenitis (SA)

The skin condition Sebaceous Adenitis affects the canine’s coat quality and texture. It often causes dry and scaly skin with occurrences of hair loss. It is one of the typical Goldendoodle health issues inherited from the Poodle side.

Health issues from Golden Retriever side

Many health issues are still of concern when talking about the Golden Retriever lineage. These are the disorders and diseases from this breed aside from hip dysplasia and patellar luxation.


Cataracts, much like in humans, cause an opaque film to build up over the eye. It causes poor vision and eventually blindness if left untreated. If you observe cloudy eyes on your dog, it is best to take them to the veterinarian for proper evaluation.

Von Willebrand’s Disease

Von Willebrand’s disease is a specific blood disorder found in both humans and dogs. It is essentially the loss of a particular factor responsible for blood clotting. The result is mild to extreme bleeding even when the wound is small.

Subvalvular Aortic Stenosis

One of the Goldendoodle health issues is Subvalvular Aortic Stenosis, known as the narrowing of the aortic valve area, impeding blood flow. This condition could worsen over time, which is why careful monitoring is needed for Goldendoodles with this disorder.

Ear Infections

Ear Infections

Whether by yeast, mites, or bacteria, ear infections in Goldendoodles are commonly inherited from their Golden Retriever side. Since this designer breed typically has floppy ears and hair, infestations are likely to occur.


Golden Retrievers have the highest susceptibility to cancer, and unfortunately, there is a chance that the Goldendoodle can develop it, too. However, helping the pup stay healthy by preventing overfeeding, avoiding exposure to toxic substances, and getting regular exercise lessens the likelihood. Maintain proper feeding schedule for your Goldendoodle to have a healthy and active lifestyle.

While Goldendoodles are generally considered healthy dogs, they may be prone to the above-mentioned health issues. But it is possible to prevent some of these diseases by ensuring a proper vaccination schedule for your Goldendoodle puppy.

Keeping a healthy Goldendoodle

Goldendoodle health issues can be kept at bay if you take precautionary measures to ensure that they are always safe and healthy.

  • Choose a reputable breeder. The purpose of cross-breeding is to ensure that the offspring grows up healthy like their parents, and a dependable breeder can guarantee that.
  • Apply for pet insurance. Your beloved furry companion might come across health issues in their life, and it’s best to be prepared and have insurance cover for the medical attention they need.
  • Oral hygiene. Owners should not underplay oral hygiene because many health problems arise from poor oral health.
  • Diet and exercise. As with humans, dogs need proper nutrition and exercise to keep healthy. Overweight or underweight canines are more susceptible to certain conditions, which is why they should be fed the right amount and balance of food.

Those are some of the precautionary measures to keep your Goldendoodle healthy, Read more practical health care tips to improve your Goldendoodle’s health.

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