When do Goldendoodles go into heat? Sexual maturity varies based on the dog’s type, age, size, health, and other factors. If you have a female Goldendoodle puppy, she could get pregnant anytime from the sixth month.

Ensure you understand your Goldendoodle’s mating season to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. A dog’s mating season has four stages, estrus being the most crucial because the Doodle desires to meet a male and get pregnant.

Whether or not you plan to breed your dog, having this knowledge is vital. Nothing will surprise you, as you will know when your puppy’s mating season might start, signs to look at, how long it will last, and what to do to help.

Fortunately, this article discusses this delicate topic in detail. Continue reading it to learn how to help your Doodle during its first heat.

When do Goldendoodles go into Heat?

Most people expect Goldendoodles to take longer to reach puberty than larger dogs like the Great Dane. Surprisingly, the smaller the dog, the faster it attains sexual maturity. Hence, standard Goldendoodles reach their first mating season at six months.

If that is so, then when do Goldendoodles go into heat if they are miniature or toy breeds? These smaller dogs may mature sexually from around four months. They will have more frequent mating seasons than standard Goldendoodles.

Four months is too early for any puppy to get pregnant. The only way to prevent an early pregnancy is to keep it away from unneutered male dogs. If you do not want it to ovulate or give birth, your final resort is spaying.

Goldendoodle Mating Season Stages – What are the Four Seasons?

When do Goldendoodles go into heat and does this have a sequence? First-time Doodle owners want a suitable answer to this question. A Goldendoodle’s mating season follows a unique cycle with four stages. Each stage happens because of the pet’s fluctuating reproductive hormone levels.

Goldendoodle Mating Season Stages – What are the Four Seasons?

Also, the same hormones determine the duration of every stage in every dog. Some dogs stay longer on heat than others. The four heat stages in Doodles include:

  • Proestrus – During her first time being on heat, your lovely Goldendoodle might start licking her private parts. Her swollen vulva might ooze some bloody discharge. This part of the heat cycle often lasts nine to ten days. Some dogs’ proestrus stage might take much longer.
  • Estrus – When do Goldendoodles go into heat? When people ask this question, they unknowingly talk about the estrus stage. A Goldendoodle is officially on the heat in the estrus stage. Estrus may have a shorter or longer duration. In most dogs, the shortest ovulation period may last three to four days. The longest may last twenty-one to twenty-four days. During estrus, female dogs crave the company of their male counterparts more than they want to be around other females. Their vulvas still look swollen and bloody. Since this is the most fertile phase, the estrogen hormone levels will drop while progesterone will increase.
  • Diestrus – Diestrus marks the end of your Doodle’s heat cycle. She will gradually withdraw her attention from the males. Her vulva will stop swelling and leaking a bloody discharge. The diestrus stage ends after about two months even if the dog got pregnant. After that, the dog will receive its first bundle of fluffy puppies or move to the last stage of its reproduction cycle.
  • Anestrus (Resting Stage) – Anestrus is the final stage of the heat cycle in Goldendoodles. The dog’s most fertile season ends, allowing it to behave normally. Anestrus lasts about three to five months, which enables the uterus to prepare for the next ovulation period and pregnancy. After this cycle, the mating season goes back to the proestrus stage.

Symptoms That Can Tell a Goldendoodle is on Heat

When do Goldendoodles go into heat and what are the symptoms? Besides vulva swollenness and bloody discharge, other signs might reveal that your Doodle’s heat cycle has begun. Here is what to expect:

1.  Mood Changes

Mood Changes

Just like human females, dogs feel moody when getting fertile. A calm Goldendoodle might suddenly become aggressive towards other dogs. She might also feel nervous, which can increase their clinginess.

Your puppy might show aggression toward male dogs during the proestrus and diestrus stages. It may not want to see other female pets during the estrus stage. So, separate your dog if you suspect it is fertile.

2.  Changes in Feeding Patterns

Another early sign that your Doodle is entering puberty is appetite changes. It may refuse to eat or might crave more food. If you notice appetite changes about the fourth to sixth month of age, your pet might be in heat.

Throw some kibble or other treats to the dog if it has no appetite. Also, try mixing dry and wet food to encourage it to eat more.

3.  Urge to Roam About

When do Goldendoodles go into heat, and do they roam and mark territories? If your Goldendoodle is going on heat, she will hate being indoors. That is because she wants to search for a male to mate with. If she comes across a male that has not undergone neutering, she will get pregnant.

Female dogs on heat urinate more often when roaming outside. That is what the estrus cycle does to them naturally. Some pheromones and hormones will be in the pet’s urine if it is in the estrus stage.

These can attract male dogs from afar. They may go after the female and impregnate her. If your dog’s marking behavior has increased, take her to the male or away from it. What to do depends on whether you want her to breed or not. 

4.  Behavior Changes

When do Goldendoodles go into heat, and do they display some weird behaviors? Goldendoodles about to get into heat experience swelling around the vulva area. They may lick it often because of the bloody discharge and discomfort. In the proestrus stage, they might hold their tails closer to the body as if they are experiencing fright.

Behavior Changes

This is to protect their vulva from males. Soon after entering the estrus stage, they may move the tail to either side and lift their rears to indicate readiness for mating. Since dogs often lick their genitals and bodies, most pet parents may dismiss their vulva-licking behavior.

If your female dog is about four to six months old, do not ignore its vulvar-licking behavior. Sudden whining and howling may be proof of the discomfort and distress that comes with the heat cycle. Give your Doodle some treats while doing other lovely things to make her forget everything.

5. Male Dogs Surround Her

If your Goldendoodle’s fertility is increasing, she will have suitors. As earlier noted, pheromones and hormones in the dog’s urine may attract males from afar. Male dogs will suddenly want to be with her and follow her everywhere. Each will fight for a chance to impregnate her.

Understanding physical and behavioral signs can help you anticipate the start of your Doodle’s mating season. Can you now answer this: when do Goldendoodles go into heat? If you have a question or feel confused, seek advice from your veterinarian. 

How Can You Assist a Doodle on Heat?

How Can You Assist a Doodle on Heat?

When do Goldendoodles go into heat and can I prevent mine from an early pregnancy? If you have a toy or a miniature, you might notice the above signs earlier. In most cases though, Goldendoodles become fertile at six months or after. You can prevent a pregnancy if you do not want your pet to give birth early. Here is how:

  • Distract the Dog – One method is to keep her away from male dogs and distract her. You can distract her by going out for walks or jogging. If you increase her usual exercise routine by twenty minutes or more daily, she will release the extra energy she has during the heat cycle.
  • Use Dog Diapers – Goldendoodles on heat will regularly lick their vulvar discharge. However, if the discharge is heavy, you can use washable dog diapers. The diapers will prevent the discharge from messing with belongings. Make her bed with old pieces of clothing, including towels.
  • Spay Your Dog – When do Goldendoodles go into heat and can one stop it? Some dog parents do not want their Goldendoodles to have puppies. If you also want to prevent pregnancies forever, you can spay your dog. Spaying is the removal of ovaries and uterus. The correct time to spay her is often after her first three heat cycles. Keep the Doodle away from unneutered dogs if you want to spay her later.


1.  How often do mini Goldendoodles go into heat?

When do Goldendoodles go into heat for the first time and how often after that? Goldendoodles go on the heat for the first time around the sixth month. After that, the mating season can return every six to seven months. It can come back earlier if you have a toy or miniature Doodle.

2.  When do mini goldendoodles go into heat?

Most first-time Doodle parents want to discover this: when do Goldendoodles go into heat if they are miniature?  By the fourth or fifth month, you might start noticing physical changes. Some of these include vulva swelling and bloody discharge. Behavioral signs are that the Doodle wants to be around male dogs and prefers to roam around while urinating.

3. When do female Goldendoodles go into heat?

The estrus mating stage comes by the fourth to sixth month in toy, miniature, and standard Goldendoodles. But when do Goldendoodles go into heat again? After the first time, these dogs will get fertile again after the anestrus stage. This is every six to seven months.

4.  When do Goldendoodles go into the first heat?

As aforementioned, Goldendoodle puppies go into heat by the sixth month. However, smaller Doodles can get into puberty by the fourth month.


When do Goldendoodles go into heat? We hope you now understand the heat cycle of a Goldendoodle. As you await your puppy’s first heat, decide if you want her to get pregnant now, later, or never. Spaying is your best solution if you do not want her to breed. Spay her when the third heat cycle comes.

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