Goldendoodles are one of the cutest dogs to have around. You will love to play with such a jovial pet. Some breeds of dogs will stop growing before others. Different dogs take different times to reach maturity levels. Now, if you have a Goldendoodle in your house, then you will be thinking about when it will reach its maturity. In this article, let’s explain when do Goldendoodles stop growing and reach maturity?

When Goldendoodles Will Reach Their Maturity?

Just like every human being, the growth rate of the puppies also varies a lot. You will find that some Goldendoodle puppies grow quickly while others take a longer time to grow and reach their full maturity. Also, Goldendoodles grow rapidly during the first 6 to 8 months. By 12 to 14 months, the puppy will reach its full maturity in terms of height. However, they will grow for some more months as far as the weight is concerned.

How Much do Goldendoodles Weigh?

The weight of Goldendoodles varies a lot. The weight of the Goldendoodles will depend on the type of Poodles that were used at the time of breeding. The standard Goldendoodles will be heavier than the mini ones. When deciding between a Mini Goldendoodle or a Goldendoodle, consider factors like your living space, activity level, and whether you prefer a smaller or larger companion, as these can influence the right choice for your lifestyle.

Goldendoodles Average Weight Chart

Various sizes of  Goldendoodles:

  • A typical Goldendoodle can weigh up to 75lbs. But, most Goldendoodles will stop growing after reaching 50lbs.
  • The standard Goldendoodles generally weigh around 50lbs to 60lbs once they are fully matured.
  • The medium Goldendoodles will weigh around 40lbs to 50lbs after reaching the maturity level.
  • The mini puppies of the Goldendoodles breed can weigh around 25lbs to 35lbs.


Goldendoodles Weight

It is quite fair to say, you will find a Goldendoodle for you because of the varied size of the dog. Therefore, having a Goldendoodle as your companion can be a great choice.

When Do Goldendoodles Stop Growing?

Goldendoodles Stop Growing by the first 12 – 14 months in terms of height and gain weight for a few months.

Does Their Diet Affect Their Size?

Various factors affect your Goldendoodle growth. Diet is one of them. If you don’t feed them properly, they will not grow expected rate. Goldendoodles grow 12 -18 months rapidly. They also can grow within the first year. Standard Goldendoodle puppies grow more than a toy or mini Goldendoodle. You should follow a diet chart for your Goldendoodle and consult a vet if you think your pup is not growing expectedly.

Do Males and Females Grow the Same Size?

There is a always difference between a male and female Goldendoodle’s height, weight, and growth rate. You will notice that a female doktorarbeitenschreibenlassen is smaller and has less weight than a male Goldendoodle. But the difference is not huge. There are 20-30 pounds differences between male and female standard Goldendoodles when they have fully grown.

Do Males and Females Grow at the Same Rate?

Male Goldendoodles grow slightly faster than a male. Also, the male Goldendoodle sexually matures faster than the female. The male one sexually matures at 6 months whereas the female at 8 to 18 months.

Final Verdict

It is quite fair to say that the height and weight of the dog will also depend on the breeder. As Goldendoodles are a dog of the designer breed, it is very much difficult to predict the height or weight they will reach. Moreover, the time a Goldendoodle will take to reach its full maturity is also unpredictable. Also, after having the dog, you will have to take care of the dog properly to ensure that the dog grows at a good rate. How your Goldendoodle will look or how much it will weigh can be understood better after a year or so.

If you’re navigating crate training, check out our guide on how long to let a puppy cry in a crate here for helpful tips and advice.

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